Looking for a word which I believed that would be too simple, I realized that it have lots of associations. It’s the reason why this post is a bit long, but I assure you it’s worth reading it!! However, I’ll give you a clue...the most surprising thing is at the end! ;)
In Great Britain, Porridge is generally defined as a dish made by stirring oatmeal or rolled oats into boiling water or milk (or a mix of both), and simmering this mixture until it is cooked. It’s usually eaten hot and normally for breakfast, like CEREALS!

It has become an icon of Scottish cookery or at least, an icon of stated Scottish origin and nowadays, it’s a universal dish that cuts across many cultures and geographic boundaries. That's why it was hailed by Robert Burns (Scotland’s national poet) as “The halesome parritch, chief o’Scotia´s food”, even though oat is grown in many regions of the world.
The etymology of the word “porridge” has not been neatly worked out because its evolution has a large number of missing links, but it’s very much clear that “parritch”, “puree” and other variants are allied to the word “pottage”, indicating that ingredients are cooked together in a pot, and thickening with cereals (though the word “pottage” itself came to mean soup or broth.

These two different dishes (the one which looks like cereals and the other, which is made from leaks) have something in common;

Pease Porridge cold,
Pease Porridge in the Pot
Nine Days old.
Spell me that in four letters?

At the same time, it’s a game too. Schoolchildren often play “Pease Porridge Hot” by pairing off and clapping their hands together. As you can appreciate, this game is also much known in Spain like “Las Palmitas”.

Finally a curious fact; It was a dish normally used to feed the inmates in British prisons, so, “doing porridge” became a synonymous for “serving sentence”!

It’s a word from which you can get many knowledge and interesting things, although at first it can look like a really mess!
Hope you enyojed, and learn a little about it! =)
"Doing porridge" for serving sentence!!! It has really amazed me, a very interesting variation of the word to form an idiom!!
A lot of information and a lot of pictures!! ^^ thanks Maria José!!
It is the largest entry we have done because we want to remark that this blog can develop in such a way that we don´t put ourselves boundaries!!
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