Speaking about food with strange names we have the Eggplant, or Aubergine. This is a plant which is thought to have its origin in India. Although the word suggests something (a plant that provides eggs), the signifier is completely different; it’s a plant whose fruits are consumed as a vegetable. The name aubergine is because of this colour, belonging to the range of purples and which this vegetable has.
At first, it was believed to be poisonous and it got the “mad apple” label but later, its name changed to the present one leaving aside the previous assumptions.
The eggplant of the first photograph really looks like an egg hanging on a plant! Kind of funny! I like it!
Thanks Lolita!!! =) I was quite surprised to see the picture... If I hadn't known what I was looking for, I really would have thought they were eggs!!!
wow this story is amazing. I couldn´t have imagined that! thanks for this information!!
not at all! =)
I'm really thinking that what we see in the photo are actually eggs!!!
Yeahhh...of course...it is all a joke from a psycho that wants to confuse us!!hahaha
It is a kind of weird thing because...can you say me what other fruit or vegetable is white? I don´t remember anyone!!
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