Today, we are going to talk about a popular sauce in UK. Most of you probably know it but others will think: What is this about?
HP Sauce is a brown sauce made of vinegar, tomatoes, tamarind extract, molasses and some secret spices. It is used as a condiment with hot or cold food, or as an ingredient in soups. It is produced by H.J. Heinz. Recently, this American company was obliged to change the recipe in order to reduce the salt content.
It was created by Frederick Gibson Garton or at least it is what the company affirms. As the company says, Frederick registered the name H.P. Sauce in 1895 because he has seen that there was a restaurant in the Houses of Parliament that was serving an almost equal sauce.
However, some stories suggest that the letter HP comes from Harry Palmer, its real creator. Palmer began to sell his product as "Harry Palmer's Famous Epsom Sauce" but he had to sell his recipe to Frederick Gibson Garton in order to pay off some debts. But this is a rumor and no one can evidence the existence of Palmer as the creator of the HP sauce.
In conclusion, it is a extremely known and bought sauce that have a dark story... but people are not interested in its history, but in its flavour. I have upload an advertising from the 80´s. Enjoy it!
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