What would you think if we suggested you to have TOAD IN THE HOLE?? You would definitely think that we are crazy and a little bit disgusting, wouldn´t you? But no worries!! We don´t have such bad taste, as what we are offering you is a typical English dish.
A Toad in the Hole is a delicious and tasty British delicacy, and, as a matter of fact, it doesn´t have a single piece of this reptilian, as the main ingredient here is a very simple one, sausages! These sausages are made of pork, and are baked in Yorkshire pudding batter, to be exact.
Why naming it Toad in the Hole? This name was given to this plate during the nineteenth century, and the reason why they named it this way is quite simple: People at those times took a glance at this dish and thought that it had a resemblance to a bunch of toads submerged in mud. You can give your opinion by checking the photographs!

Some curious things about this plate would be that its initial recipe did not consist of sausages, as pieces of any sort of meat could be used. Another thing would be the fact that this traditional British, which was created in 1851, was created by an Italian cook called Charles Elmé Francatelli.
A final advice: although many people haven´t tasted this delicious dish because of its name, do not hesitate in trying it, because this plate won´t croak!!
Really it has some resemblance to what its name means! People love finding similarities with anything! good work Pablo! ;)
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