This curious meal that we are offering you in our blog today is called BUBBLE AND SQUEAK, but don´t worry, because although the name might make you think that it´s some sort of Pokémon attack that consists in throwing bubbles and screaming at you, it´s just, of course, another of the many delicious, (some are tastier than the others) meals we offer you almost every day here.
It´s just a simple traditional dish, that has as main ingredients potatoes and cabbage, although some other vegetables can be added, such as peas, carrots or Brussels sprouts. All you have to do, once you have chopped the vegetables, is mixing them up with mashed potatoes in a pan, and after this you can start frying them!
But, where does this name come from? Basically it´s just the noise it makes while being cooked. The juice that is produced during the cooking process tends to bubble; what about the squeaking? Well, once the cabbage touches the hot metal from the pan, it always makes a screeching noise, so that´s why we advised you with the title of this entry, this noise won´t give you a shock!
When did this dish reach its popularity? Guess what? It was also during the Second World War (just the same as the faggot). This was due, of course, to the fact that they had to rationing, they had many soldiers that needed to be fed, and this was a perfect dish because it was made using leftovers, usually from a Sunday roast.
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